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Advent Bible Reading Plan - Winter Pastels - Greengate Images
Advent Bible Reading Plan - Winter Pastels - Greengate Images
Advent Bible Reading Plan - Winter Pastels - Greengate Images
Advent Bible Reading Plan - Winter Pastels - Greengate Images
Advent Bible Reading Plan - Winter Pastels - Greengate Images
Advent Bible Reading Plan - Winter Pastels - Greengate Images

Advent Bible Reading Plan - Winter Pastels

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Count down to Christmas with daily Bible readings for Advent study. This 24-day reading plan includes passages from both testaments that touch on Jesus' birth (prophesy, promises, and events) and concludes with the birth of Jesus as told in Luke. Passage list comes in three convenient formats:

1. 8.5x11" calendar format for a quick glance at the daily readings.
2. 8.5x11" 2-page format with 12 days of passages per page and room for notes.
3. 2.5x7.5" bookmarks with circles to check off your progress. Keep one in your Bible so you always know what to read next.

Design includes pretty winter florals and elements in cool, pastel shades of blue, green, and pink. Feminine and peaceful! These printables can be used over and over for years to come. The readings are not specific to the Advent calendar for a particular year. They were created with the idea of reading them from December 1-24, but you may read them whenever you want!

All printables (but especially the bookmarks!) make wonderful little gifts to hand out to your Sunday School class, Bible study group, friends, etc. You are free to give *printed* items from this set away, but please DO NOT email the PDF files to anyone (except a copy center, if you are having them professionally printed).

1. 8.5x11" calendar format
2. 8.5x11" 2-page format
3. 2.5x7.5" bookmarks

You will receive the following PDFs upon purchase:

8.5x11" calendar format for a quick glance at the daily readings.
8.5x11" 2-page format with 12 days of passages per page and room for notes.
2.5x7.5" bookmarks with circles to check off your progress.

This design is not editable and is for your personal use only. Do not use the design commercially, email to others, or resell under any circumstances.

Please see Policies and Terms of Use for more information.

Reading plan was created for these printables by writer and scholar, Sarah White: https://modernreformation.org/multi_author/sarah-white

Please do not reproduce the plan into other formats without permission.

Design includes art by: PaperStarrGraphics.Etsy.com

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Jama F.

5 stars review from Jama