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Find the Clovers - Kids St. Patrick's Day Activity - Greengate Images
Find the Clovers - Kids St. Patrick's Day Activity - Greengate Images
Find the Clovers - Kids St. Patrick's Day Activity - Greengate Images
Find the Clovers - Kids St. Patrick's Day Activity - Greengate Images
Find the Clovers - Kids St. Patrick's Day Activity - Greengate Images

Find the Clovers - Kids St. Patrick's Day Activity

Regular price $3.60 Sale price $4.50 Unit price per

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🍀 St. Patrick's Day I Spy/Find the Clovers activity, ready to download and print as many times as you need. This colorful and lovely page will add a festive touch to your St. Paddy's celebration. Perfect for young kids, but with art that is appropriate for adults in memory care, and those with mental disabilities.

There are NO references to beer or other alcohol on this page.

Take a break from screen time and look for the 14 clovers/shamrocks scattered around the page. This is a fairly quick activity but can be extended if you ask participants to identify and count other pictures, such as rainbows, balloons, and more.

Your purchase includes two sizes (of the same word find):

◆ Half-page (5.5x8.5") laid out 2 per page
◆ Whole-page (8.5x11") laid out 1 per page

Answer key also included.

Pages are 8.5x11" (standard letter) and have the puzzle both 1-per-page and 2-per-page.

Several labeled high-resolution 8.5x11 PDFs. [Greengate watermark will not appear on your purchased PDF.]

1. Purchase and download the file(s) - File will be available once your payment has processed.

2. Open the file(s) in a pdf viewer such as Acrobat Reader (available free here: https://get.adobe.com/reader/).

3. Print however you like: on your own printer, at a copy shop such as FedEx, or even with a photo lab. Heavier paper is recommended.

I do not typically offer refunds on digital items, but please let me know if you have any problems--I want you to be happy with your purchase and will work with you on the problem if I can.

You may cancel your order within 24 hours if you have not downloaded the file(s).

🔴🟢🔵 The colors you see on your screen may look different when printed. Monitors and mobile devices have different calibration, as do printers. Even the paper used can have an impact on the final coloring, so please do test prints or contact me if you need a very specific color.

This design is not editable and is for your personal use only. Please don't distribute. ***Please do not use the design commercially, email to others, or resell under any circumstances. This includes printed pieces created from the file. Please see shop policies for more information on allowed use with your small business.***

Design includes art by:

Art & Things Creativefabrica.com/designer/art-&-things
ClipHeartCreations Creativefabrica.com/designer/clipheartcreations
ElenaZlataArt Creativefabrica.com/designer/elenazlataart
My Little Muse Creativefabrica.com/designer/my-little-muse
NataliMiasStore Creativefabrica.com/designer/natalimiasstore
RoseLocket Creativefabrica.com/designer/roselocket
Taelya Creativefabrica.com/designer/taelya

Tags: Instant download PDF games for kids. I Spy/Find the Clovers. Instant download PDF activity, half page & full page. Entertainment for guests. page half page, senior citizens, assisted living, elder care handout, two per page, st paddy's day game, saint patrick game, young children kids, elementary age, littles memory care, mentally disabled, fun easy quick page, look for shamrocks

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