Summer Activities Chart - Greengate Images
Summer Activities Chart - Printable Digital Download by Greengate Images
Summer Activities Chart - Printable Digital Download by Greengate Images
Summer Activities Chart - Printable Digital Download by Greengate Images
Summer Activities Chart - Printable Digital Download by Greengate Images
Summer Activities Chart - Greengate Images
Summer Activities Chart - Greengate Images

Summer Activities Chart

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Embrace summer by planning a set of activities to check off as you go! This PDF comes pre-filled with summer activities but can be edited to your liking. Print off multiple versions for your team or family members. This PDF is yours to keep and edit forever! Two styles are included: light and dark background.

A checkbox and room for the date of completion are provided under each activity box so that participants can mark their progress. This is a great boredom-buster for kids, but also works for adults, senior citizens, church groups, and more!

Chart comes with 25 boxes with text that can be changed in Adobe Reader. Instructions are included. Title and background CANNOT be changed or removed.

▶ Purchase this item.

▶ You will receive an email with a link to your downloads within a few minutes of purchase.

▶ Make your personalized changes to the template in Adobe Reader (using anything other than Adobe Reader could present limitations or formatting issues). Instructions are provided with your purchase.

▶ Save your template. Print the copies you need for personal/non-commercial use.

▶ If you have any questions or issues with your product, please contact me.

Sorry, I do not typically offer refunds on digital items. However, if you have problems, please contact me. I want you to be satisfied with your purchase!

This design is for your personal use only. ***Please do not use the design commercially, email to others, or resell under any circumstances. This includes printed pieces created from the file. Please see shop policies for more information on allowed use with your small business.*** You may give printed calendars as gifts.

Design includes art by

Tags: Editable & Printable - Adobe Reader PDF - Instant Download - Summer Bucket List - Activity Calendar editable chart pdf, adobe reader chart, 25 activities, standard letter size, summer solstice idea, adult activities, retirement home game, activity for seniors, summer activity kids, childrens game ideas, school break boredom, buster family fun, vacation to do list

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