News — clipart
Tips for Clip Artists: Make the most of your first listing picture

Many artists don't have all of the elements showing on the first listing image, so you can't see at a glance whether your desired object is included. It may look prettier to have a simple shell with "Let's go to the beach" written artfully in script on the first listing thumbnail, but it's also confusing. I might skip it thinking that's the only art included. Your thumbnail can act as visual "tags" for someone scouring search results. Here's one that's done right, in my opinion: - one of my favorite clip artists! There's a title for reference (and...
Tips for Clip Artists: OMG - Tag your art!

I'm finally getting around to another post with tips for those selling their artwork online. As a reminder, I've been buying clipart (and lots of it) for several years now, so I have plenty of thoughts on how to bring in more happy customers. This has to do with SEO, but also with the customer experience: Please tag / keyword / label your art in your listing! It seems obvious, and yet it's often missing from listings. Sometimes it has to do with a language barrier, or other times the artist just doesn't see a need and feels the listing...
Tips for Clip Artists: Image Trim
clipart graphic design tips for clipartists tutorial

As someone who has purchased a LOT of clipart over the years, I have taken note of many ways artists, who are selling their work as clipart, could improve their products. Not necessarily in the quality of the art, but in how it's packaged and marketed for sale. I've wanted to blog about it for years, but I get overwhelmed. So: I've decided to break it down by small topics and then hopefully add posts as I can. Let's dive in! Trim Off the Empty Space This is kind of a weird one to start on, but it just came up...