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What's so special about Greengate Images bingo sets?

Jessica R. M. S. Bingo

Anniversary Bingo

There are a lot of bingo cards available out there, so if you're wondering why you should choose Greengate Images, read on!

My hope is that playing bingo will be an experience that enhances your event to make it more memorable. That it will be delightfully educational, giving your participants new appreciation of the topic. That the imagery will remind everyone of sweet moments, and help the conversation flow. Here's a bit about my process...

A lot of time, resources, and thought goes into every bingo set. Each set requires anywhere from 10 to 30+ hours of work, and involves purchasing artwork (and additional licenses, when necessary) from dozens of talented artists around the world. If I can't find the art I need and really want a particular item included, I will draw or paint it myself.

Day of the Dead Bingo
I spend time reflecting on and researching the topics so my bingo sets will be as accurate as possible. I love it, because I have learned so much about holidays, places, events, and many other topics. But it's challenging and can be tedious. I check and recheck spelling and phrasing. I am open to hearing customer suggestions/corrections and have taken them into consideration, sometimes with edits to a set or creating a new set.

Besides each bingo square requiring art choices and proper terminology, I also spend time with the overall design. The header and FREE spot get attention to bring the look together. I peruse fonts to reflect the theme, while also being legible. I want the bingo cards to be attractive as a whole.

Ballet Bingo

I strive for a balance of beauty and practicality in my graphic designs. I purposely avoid using bleeds (when the artwork goes all the way to the edge of the page) so that what you print out will look as consistent as possible with what you see on your computer screen. I size and format the cards to allow for the quickest and easiest assembly (fewest cuts, etc.). I hear your requests for larger fonts, etc., and am continuously updating my format and methods. 

I don't use AI art, which has recently made the job of finding only hand-painted illustrations more difficult. I read about and contact illustrators when necessary to clarify. I track and credit all of the artists/shops for my own organization and to properly recognize them, whether they request it or not. I appreciate them so much, and I never want to break the rules or go against licensing/shop policies. That is why I am careful with PDF conversion and other aspects of the final product--to protect the art so that it's not easy for others to steal/reuse.

Tropical Bird Bingo

Finally, I want your experience shopping and using Greengate Images products to be as smooth as possible. I'm available to answer questions quickly and will assist you as much as I can. With your purchase comes kind customer service from someone with more than 20 years of graphic design experience with a wide variety of clients. I've worked for universities, churches, nonprofits, corporations, and friends. And now, I LOVE having my own business and getting to choose my projects. Thank you so much for your support that allows me to have this awesome career.


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  • Karen Martin on

    Before I purchase this for school, I want to know how it is played. I haven’t found that information.

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