January Bingo Glossary

Jessica R. M. S. Bingo Glossary winter

January Bingo

January's bingo set is now available in the shop. Click here to go to the listing.

31 Days - Pretty self-explanatory, but it's always a nice reminder which months have which quantity of days.

Back to the Grind - After the holidays, when many get time off or at least a break in routine, it's time to get back into the swing of things. 

Blue Monday - I don't feature a lot of the small/new holidays, but this one really sums up much of January for many of us.

Bundling Up - I like to feature some articles of applicable clothing in these monthly bingos.

Camellias - It depends on the year and location, but often camellias begin blossoming in January. It's my favorite flower to photograph when there's very little happening in the garden. It's one of the cheerier parts of winter.

Carnation - One of January's birth flowers (not sure why!).

Chickadee - One of several birds that are active in the winter. Chickadees are common and adorable, so they won a nature-reference in this set.

Darkness - Hello, my old friend. I have come to realize that the main problem I have with January is the darkness. I can handle the cold for awhile, but those extremely short periods of daylight really get to me. I used a city window scene, because one easy way to monitor the darkness is by what it looks like at the end of the work day.

Epiphany - The day commemorating when the three kings/magi visited Jesus with their gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrr. 

Fireplace - The perfect time of year for a fire, and a great way to add some cozy cheer.

Garnet - January's birthstone.

Ice Fishing - I know many people don't get snow or have freezing temps, but I couldn't help but feature several snow/ice references. It's how January is depicted in shows, movies, books, and often in our minds, whether it's our reality or not. I've never witnessed ice fishing in real life, and the idea of walking out on a lake sounds a bit scary, but I know it's popular up in the northern states.

Ice Storm - This is something we do get down here in Oregon, and despite being destructive, they are so beautiful. It's a treat (for me). An ice storm is apparently defined by the accumulation of at least a quarter of an inch of ice from the freezing rain. January is naturally a popular time for them to occur.

Janus - January was named after Janus, the Roman god of "beginnings, gates, transitions, time, duality, doorways, passages, frames, and endings." Very appropriate!

MLK Day - Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday (January 15) and the closest Monday is a day off for many, since it's a federal holiday.

New Year’s Day - January first. A day off, and a great time to have brunch and reflect on the coming year.

Northern Lights - AKA aurora borealis. While these can happen year-round, the darkest part of winter is the best time to see them.

Polar Bear Plunge - Some crazy people enjoy swimming in freezing water around the new year and during the winter in general. (I actually have swum in 41-degree water in Tahoe one January, but I was young and loved swimming enough to do it. Plus it's Tahoe--the water's always freezing.) There are several official events around the country if you're interested. 🥶

Pro Sports - Basketball, football, and hockey are a few of the major sports that fans are watching in the month of January.

Resolutions - Hopeful people come up with goals for the new year. I used to have lists of them until I realized I was setting myself up for failure. I think the idea is nice, though. FYIsies, I have a Resolutions Bingo now available.

Rose Parade - This annual event in Pasadena, CA (held on January 1) has been going since 1890!

Saint Paul Winter Carnival - Another annual January event, this one being in Minnesota and was first held in 1886. It's the oldest winter festival in the US. 

Seasonal Produce - Some of the fruits and vegetables in season. Citrus seems to be the star of the show.

Skiing - Just another popular winter sport. :)

Snow Angel - This is more my speed as far as winter "sports" goes. 

Snowboarding - I remember when snowboarding started gaining popularity among my peers. That's how old I am.

Snowdrops - Another of January's birth flowers, and this one makes sense. I often seen snowdrops in January--they are one of my favorite winter flowers.

Snowman - I had to get a snowman in at some point. December Bingo was too crowded.

Soup - Time to eat soup! If you're into it.

Twelfth Night - This marks the end of the 12 Days of Christmas and is also related to Epiphany. Many in the US don't celebrate it, but it's a bigger deal in New Orleans where it kicks off the Carnival/Mardi Gras season. I have a friend in New Orleans that I've consulted more than once for my bingo sets. Thank you, Emily!

Twelve Days of Christmas - Usually the 12 days begin on Christmas Day (or the day after for some), which means they are still going during that first week of January. I wanted to give them a mention and couldn't fit them in December. I have some friends who continue their Christmas festivities and gifts during those 12 days. Meanwhile, I'm in a hurry to de-Christmas my house on January 1st. :) The 12 days, Twelfth Night, and Epiphany are all connected, but it sounds like few celebrate all three. Related: I also have a 12 Days of Christmas bingo set.

Video Games - January is a great month to game it up since it's often miserable outside, and many have just received new games for Christmas. My husband is sensitive to those gray days and loves having a good game to distract him. But then, he loves all games all the time.

Warm Socks - Another clothing mention, for fun. It's nice to use some of this adorable artwork, too. 

Winter Scene - I chose this scene because it shows the colorful sunrise, which some associate with winter. I remember seeing an incredible one while staying with my sister in New Hampshire one snowy morning. Also, the bare trees are something most of us can relate to even if we don't live in an area that gets snow.

Wolf Moon - January's full moon is called the wolf moon, apparently because wolves are active in the winter.

World of Winter Michigan - Another popular winter festival, and apparently the largest one in the US. It lasts for two months, so there's plenty of time to go if you're going to be in the area. 


Did I miss anything? Of course! There are so many things that occur each month, but I try to choose a variety of popular events and symbols that make this month special. It’s tough deciding what to feature. While creating them, I'm often limited by the available art (or my ability to create it) as well as the desire for some balance and consistency. I know that some important symbols and events get missed, and of course each person has a different experience, but I hope I have touched on at least a few meaningful aspects of the season for many Americans (and beyond). 

⛄ Remember that you can purchase January bingo right here. Thanks for reading!

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